Tuesday, 27 December 2016

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Leave campaigners celebrate as they win the vote in Sunderland Journalists attempted to ask him questions but were drowned out by a sea of boos. The UK has now voted to leave the European Union. Brexit: What happens now? Image copyright Dylan Martinez / Reuters Image caption The referendum ballot paper asked the following question: "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union", and despite the bad weather, turnout was high. Image copyright Peter Byrne / PA Image caption At 22:00 BST on Thursday at Manchester Town Hall, Jenny Watson, the chief counting officer for the EU Referendum, announced that polling had closed. Image copyright Danny Lawson / PA Image caption Across the country the votes were ferried to the counting centres. Image copyright Sean Gallup / Getty Images Image caption The first boxes to make their way to the count were in Gibraltar, as the British territory is an hour ahead of the UK. Image copyright Sean Gallup / Getty Images Image caption At Gibraltar University the validity of ballot papers was checked in the verification centre before counting began. The British territory was the first to officially declare a result, with 96% voting to Remain.

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