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On Friday, the social media platform announced a new way to understand กระเป๋า MANGO สะพายข้าง ราคา whats happening in Snaps that are submitted to Our Story, and to create new Stories using advanced machine learning. All that to say that as of now (in select cities), you can search more than one million unique Stories on Snapchat. Thenew feature takes Snapchat out of the more passive realm of watching content and into a more active arena; one already inhabited by other platforms like YouTube or Twitter. And like Twitter, Snapchat is also deviating from one of its most defining features its not character count, but rather ephemerality. With the introduction of searchable Stories, Snapchat confirmed in a statement to TechCrunch that some Snaps submitted to Our Stories that appear in the new Search feature will be visible for less than a day to up to a few weeks or even months. More: Apples new Clips app is taking the fight to Instagram and Snapchat So if you want to know what happened at the high school football game you missed or the latest looks from a Fashion Week anywhere around the world, you can look for itdirectly instead of trying your luck by scrolling endlessly. The best part of Stories is seeing the world through the eyes of our community. Its easy to add your point of view simply take a Snap and add it to Our Story, Snapchat wrote in a blog post announcement. You might see it included in relevant Stories depending on what youre Snapping. As Snapchat continues to refine this latest feature, itll add more functionality as well. In particular, the social media platform hopes to make it possible to categorize Story submissions by what voices are saying or by what music is playing, so you could even search for a specific conversation topic or song lyric. So start searching, friends. You never know how deep and dark this rabbit hole might be.
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Provided by Business Insider UK Back garden photo "It's like [vinyl] sales they sell over and over again," she said. A good image might make 6,000 over time if it does really well, but then you may get some that sell less. It all evens out." She added that while when she set out the industry was full of professional producers, digital photography has changed everything. "Some people earn a really nice amount of money and flip from being part time to full time," she said."It's the gift that keeps giving if youve got the right products and the right subjects. You make your initial investment and it keeps coming back. New technology and fashion allows you to redo stuff. I can't always believe how much you can keep producing." So what should you do to get started? "Pick a few of your best shots and make a little portfolio," กระเป๋า ZARA สะพายข้าง Yeulet said.
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