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North Korea Issues Rare Apology Over Media Access to K-Pop Show South Korean musicians performing in Pyongyang, North Korea, on Sunday. Some reporters from the South were barred from entering.CreditKorean Central News Agency, via Agence France-Presse — Getty Images SEOUL, South Korea — South Korean reporters visiting North Korea’s capital to cover a K-pop performance there received a surprise on Monday: an unusually graceful apology from a senior North Korean official. The official, Kim Yong-chol , a vice chairman of the North’s ruling Workers’ Party, visited the reporters’ hotel and apologized for their having been denied entry to a theater in Pyongyang, the capital, where the North’s leader, Kim Jong-un, watched South Korean musicians perform Sunday evening. “We invited you and we are obliged to guarantee free coverage,” Kim Yong-chol was quoted in the reporters’ dispatches from Pyongyang as saying. “On behalf of the North’s authorities, I offer an apology and ask for your understanding for the wrong committed.” It is extremely rare for North Korea to offer such a public apology to the South, or, for that matter, to apologize for anything. The rare gesture from a senior official reflected the North’s efforts to work toward a political détente on the Korean Peninsula that Kim Jong-un helped start in February by sending a delegation to the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Still, the apology was all the more striking not only because the totalitarian state does not have a free press but also because it came from Kim Yong-chol, an army general considered hard-line even by North Korean standards. He is widely believed in the South to have masterminded the sinking of a South Korean Navy ship in 2010 , when he served as director of the North’s main spy agency. South Korea says a North Korean torpedo attack sank the ship, killing 46 sailors, but the North denies it.
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Travel With These Ideas!
It's easier than ever to travel, but many aren't sure how to get started going about it. This article has the information you need to make sure your next trip goes smoothly.
When traveling through smaller airports, check their websites to discover every airline that offers service there. A lot of minor airports are served by charter airlines; these don't appear when you search for rates, and there is a chance you can get a better price.
When you are visiting a hotel abroad, you may feel less than secure in the new environment. Bring a doorstop along to assuage your concerns about unwanted entry. Normally, these handy wedges are employed in keeping doors open, but you can use them to ensure that doors remain shut too.
Sign up to get updates on travel prices. This will take the work out of finding deals. When the prices of airfare of accommodations fall to the level you choose, you will receive an email from the site about the changes. This means you don't have to look at prices every day.
Look at your alarm when you get to a hotel. Whether the previous occupant was a very early riser, or the kids thought it would be a fun prank to set the alarm to scare the next occupant, you don't want to be rudely awakened. In order to start your vacation in a relaxing fashion, make sure to shut the alarm off or is set to a time when you actually want to get up.
Make sure there is someone close to who you can get hold of your itinerary. This person should always know your location. Make certain to stay in close touch with that individual. They won't worry if you stay in touch with them.
Try to wear comfortable and light shoes when air traveling - shoes that you can slip out of easily. You might have to take them off quickly for security checks. Comfort is of utmost importance. There is a bit of walking at the airport, but also a lot of sitting, so they don't need to have a great deal of support. Sandals or flip-flops are footwear that is ideal for air travel.
Never panic during the packing stage as this will simply lead to forgetfulness and important items left behind. Avoid searching throughout your house for trip items such as toiletries, chargers and travel pillows. Instead, keep a bag packed with these essentials and you can be ready to go that much quicker. One good idea is to keep the bin under your bed where it is out of the way but still easy to access the next time you want to travel.
Stores tend to overcharge for these items, and the space saved is minimal, so save the money. Try to find a better and more space efficient way to pack your clothes. This will help you in your quest to get some more space in your bags.
You can use all of these travel tips for virtually any destination. There is always more to learn about traveling, so keep an eye out for more great advice and useful tips that you can use.
The Growing Options For Recognising Root Elements In

Mike Pence scolds mainstream media outlets that did not cover ceremony honoring return of Korean War remains Vice President Mike Pence suggested reporters from major news organizations should speak more frequently with people outside of the Beltway after some cable TV networks failed to break into their regular programming on Wednesday night to cover the ceremony he attended in Hawaii honoring the remains of possible U.S. military personnel killed during the Korean War. [More: Veterans group urges Trump to press North Korea on remains of 5,300 troops ] “I think there's a lot of people in the so-called mainstream media that would do well to spend a little bit more time traveling across this country and listening to the American people," Pence said during an interview with "Fox & Friends" that aired Thursday. "'Cause frankly, as I travel on behalf of this administration, meeting with groups large and small, I sense a great enthusiasm across the country," he continued. "People see when it comes to President Donald Trump, it really has been a year and a half of promises made and promises kept.” The potential remains of American troops who died in North Korea were returned to U.S. soil Wednesday as part of the four-point joint declaration signed by President Trump and Kim Jong Un at their historic summit in Singapore in June. Pence flew to Honolulu, Hawaii, to greet 55 caskets carrying remains believed to belong to either U.S. servicemen or soldiers from a range of United Nations ally countries who also fought in the war. The remains will now undergo analysis by the U.S. military's Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency for identification, according to the Associated Press . Out of the three main cable news networks, only Fox News carried Pence's address at the ceremony live.
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