How To Build Backlinks That Are OBSCENELY Powerful!
In this video I'm going to show you how to build back links that are so obscenely powerful that they catapult your site to the first page of goggle. This trick works by simply interacting with sites in order to make sure that your links are not on what are called 'orphan pages'. By interacting with sites you can easily build links to the actual page where your back link is and thus make that back link obscenely powerful. Confused?... Just watch the damn video! Ready to get serious about CEO? Http://wow.lazyassstoner.Dom/serious/
-- Many Facts For 2017

Check out your competitors' strategies. Frustrated that other businesses in the same industry are always ahead of you? Well, maybe it's because they have stellar link-building strategies. So here's what you should do: Emulate them! Go to your favorite search engine and type in keywords that are related to your business. Copy the link to the website that is displayed at the top of the results page and paste it on Ahrefs where you can easily check out the website's backlink reports. Doing this allows you to determine which websites are linking to your competitors, making it easy to figure out which sites you should build relationships with. Among SEO experts, there is a tactic referred to as the "skyscraper technique." It's all about making your webpage better than a competitor's. Read my article here to learn more about content creation. Once you have pulled it off successfully, then comes the main course: convincing a website that links to your competitor to link to you instead. If you want to make the most out of this particular technique, don't just convince one website -- the more, the merrier.
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